A rebuild of a favorite.
New features allow adding almost any image, video, spreadsheet, html from your PC or URL.
There is a strictly sports page. Nothing else allowed.
A page for Mike’s fabulous statistics.
And an opinion page for anything else if you care to participate. This will be reasonably open with exceptions for racism etc.
And we are done. All states called. No legitimate fraud evidence in court.
Final electoral vote count:
306 for Biden
232 for Trump
OMFG! Dude, just go away!! You are one dumbass fuck!! Btw> Huffington Post is just as bad as CNN where you got that map from!
When you’re a disaster, you get cut.
Live look at Week28 crew LOL!!!
“Unfortunate. Kobe was an icon. But people die every day. It will be said later that the helicopter should not have taken off in the bad weather. And that is correct. It is easy to get disoriented in a helicopter. Whoever made the decision to take off made a fatal error. With that said, Kobe had an overall positive effect in the world. He will be missed. I feel bad for his kids mostly.” – Quick
I’ve seen many reports saying that his daughter was with him. Typical of you to make an insensitive and ignorant post though.
“And can you be any more hypocritical? Your insensitive post below talks about bad weather being the problem, which may or may not end up being true, but certainly hasn’t been reported as the issue yet, but there you are throwing crap against the wall hoping something sticks. Almazza’s post is true. Yours …. not so much.” – dumbass rif
The ‘crap’ STUCK.
Well, well, well. EXACTLY what QUICK said. And rif SCOFFED and the idiot lawyer said he was a moron. I’m always right about this stuff. Shows you how friggin STUPID Rif is. You’re a MORON Riffle. Dumb ass.
You’re as sharp as a TACK Kazoo. A full one.
Is this dead too Kazoo? QUICK is on camera at about the 21.00 minute mark. Right after Marche Harris free throw. This was the first girls basketball Championship ever in Illinois. These girls could play. Watch a few minutes.
You were on the girls basketball team..?
Dead link…
Vanessa Bryant filed suit against Island Express Helicopters Inc. and the estate of pilot Ara Zobayan in February. The lawsuit accuses the defendants of negligence that contributed to the deaths of Bryant, his teenage daughter Gianna, and seven other passengers, including a failure to check weather conditions prior to the flight and flying into foggy conditions in which the pilot was not cleared to operate an aircraft.
Kinda weird. QUICK said the pilot shouldn’t have flown. And the morons yelled at him.